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2004年 2005年 2006年 2007年
  分析中例题及定理 Examples and Theorems in Analysis
  理解概率 Understanding Probability
  数值线性代数及其应用 Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications
  p-扩张的伽罗瓦理论 Galois Theory of p-Extensions
  关于随机媒体的十个讲义 Ten Lectures on Random Media
  离散数学》(第四版) Discrete Mathematics (Fourth Edition)
  著名数学家 Remarkable Mathematicians
  泛函方程,不等式及其应用 Functional Equations, Inequalities and Applications
  张量分析及非线性张量函数 Tensor Analysis and Nonlinear Tensor Functions
  点群及空间群入门 Primer For Point And Space Groups
  数学模型初步 (第三版) A First Course in Mathematical Modeling
  微分方程对称方法 Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations
  数论初步 (第二版) Elementary Number Theory (Second Edition)
  延时微分方程数值方法的稳定性 Stability of Numerical Methods for Delay Differential Equations
  计算语言及理论导引 (第三版) Introduction to Languages and The Theory of Computation
  黎曼几何 (第三版)  Riemannian Geometry
  整数分割  Integral Partitions
  范畴基础  Categorical Foundations
  复杂性理论  Complexity Theory
  几何及表示论中的无穷维李群  Infinite Dimensional Lie Groups in Geometry and Representation Theory
  傅立叶级数的点态收敛 Pointwise Convergence of Fourier Series
  动力系统 Dynamical Systems
  复几何 Complex Geometry
  微分方程几何方法 Geometric Approaches to Differential Equations
  区域分解算法-算法与理论 Domain Decomposition Methods–Algorithms and Theory
  代数学基础 Basic Notions of Algebra
  函数域算术 Function Field Arithmetic
  数值方法(Matlab)(第四版) Numerical Methods(Matlab)(Fourth Edition)
  群,环及伽罗瓦理论 Groups, Rings and Galois Theory
  结构证明理论 Structural Proof Theory
  动力学初步 A First Course in Dynamics
  偏微分方程数值解(第二版) Numerical Solution of PDEs (Second Edition)
  实分析引论 Introduction to Real Analysis
  基于区域分解的离散方法及迭代解 Discretization Methods and Iterative Solvers Based on Domain Decomposition
  群及傅立叶代数上的调和函数 Harmonic Functions on Groups &Fourier Algebras
  复流形及复结构的形变 Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures
  偏微分方程与数值方法 Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods
  椭圆型微分方程:理论和数值处理》 Elliptic Differential Equations: theory and numerical treatment
  抽样理论与方法 Elements of sampling Theory and Methods
  线性规划导论 Introduction to Linear Programming
  拓扑学 I:总论 Topology I: General Survey
  复齐次有界域理论 Theory of Homogeneous Bounded Domains
  实算子代数 Real Operator Algebras
  统计模拟 Simulation
  偏微分方程的并行算法 Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations
  数学规划导论 Introduction to Mathematical Programming
  经典分析中的傅立叶积分 Fourier Integrals in Classical Analysis
  常微分方程的解法I:非刚性问题(第二版) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems(Second Edition)
  时间序列分析 –预测与控制 Time Series Analysis –Forecasting and Control
  图论导引 Introduction to Graph Theory
  经典及现代傅立叶分析 Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis
  变分学 The Calculus of Variations
  经济、生态与环境科学中的数学模型 Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology and the Environment
  函数型数据分析(第二版) Functional Data Analysis(Second Edition)
  区组实验及裂区实验的最优设计 The Optimal Design of Blocked and Split-plot Experiments

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