本 期 导 读


Sertoli Cell Biology(支持细胞生物学 第二版)

Epigenetic Gene Expression and regulation (表观遗传基因表达与调控)

Migration:The Biology of Life on the Move(迁徙:移动中的生命的生物学(第二版))

Animal Movement Across Scales(跨尺度的动物运动)

Animal Social Networks(动物的社会网络)

Plants and the Human Brain(植物与人类大脑)

Biology:Science for Life with Physiology(生物学:生命科学和生理学(第五版))

Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology(细胞生理学和神经生理学(第二版))

WATERBORNE PATHOGENS Dection Methods and Application(水媒病原体—检测与应用)

Parasitism The diversity and ecology of animal parasites(寄生(第二版)动物寄生虫的多样性与生态学)

Pheromones and Animal Behavior:Chemical Signals and Signatures(信息素和动物行为:化学信号和特征(第二版))

The Social Life of Greylag Geese:Patterns, Mechanisms and Evolutionary Function in an Avian Model System(灰雁的社会生活:用鸟的模型介绍其模式、机制和进化功能)

Molecular Plant Immunity(植物分子免疫)

Translational Gennomics for Crop Breeding Volume I: Biotic Stress(翻译基因组学与作物育种 第一卷:生物压力)

The Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening(果实成熟的分子生物学和生物化学)

Environmental Microbiology:From Genomes to Biogeochemistry(环境微生物学:从基因组到生物地球化学(第二版))

Fungal Biomolecules(真菌生物分子)

Pathology of the Developing Mouse:A Systematic Approach(小鼠发育中的病理学:系统的方法)

PCR technology:current innovations(PCR技术:最新的改革(第三版))

The Three Ecologies(三生态)

Nutrition and Epigenetics(营养学和表观遗传学)

Corpuscular-Wave Nature and Wave Properties of Plant Cells(植物细胞的微粒子波动本性和波动性)

Comparative Plant Virology(比较植物病毒学(第二版))

Advances in Proteomics Research on Forest Tree(林木蛋白质组学研究进展)

Food Science(食品科学)

Cell and Molecular Biology and Imaging of Stem Cells(细胞和分子生物学和干细胞成像)

ECOLOGY, SOILS, AND, THE LEFT:An Ecosocial Approach(生态学,土壤和左派:一种经济社会学方法)

Cell and Matrix Mechanics(细胞与矩阵力学)

Metabolic Profiling:Methods and Protocols(实验室解决方案•代谢轮廓分析:研究方法与实验方案(导读版))

Cell Physiology Sourcebook: Essentials of Membrane Biophysics(细胞生理学手册•膜生物物理学精要(上册))

Structural Vibration:A Uniform Accurate Solution for Laminated Beams, Plates and Shells with General Boundary Conditions(结构振动:任意边界条件层合梁、板、壳结构的准确解法)

Essentials of Ecology(生态的要素)

Laboratory Biorisk Management Biosafety and Biosecurity(实验室生物风险管理:生物研究安全和生物安全性)

Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics: A Practical Guide(基于质谱分析的代谢组学:实用指南)

Motor Proteins and Molecular Motors(马达蛋白和分子马达)

Bioinformatics for Comparative Proteomics(比较蛋白质组学的生物信息学(影印版))

Bionanoelectronics: Bioinquiring and Bioinspired Devices(生物纳米电子学)

Molecular Biology(分子生物学)

Geometric Methods in Elastic Theory of Membranes in Liquid Crystal Phases(液晶相生物膜弹性理论的几何方法)

Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry(6th edition)(有机化学中的生物转化(第6版))

A population genetic study of kalingas(卡林阿家族群体遗传学研究)

Advances in PROTEIN CHEMISTRY and STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY:Proteomics in Biomedicine and Pharmacology(蛋白化学和结构生物学研究进展)

Guide to GREAT LAKES FISHS(五大湖鱼类指南)


METALLOPROTEINS: Theory, Calculation, and Experiments(金属蛋白:理论,计算,研究)

VULTURES:Their Evolution, Ecology and Conservation(秃鹰:它们的进化,生态和保育)

Life Chemistry Reserrch:Biological Systems(生命化学研究:生物系统)

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics (Sixth Edition)(生物化学、分子生物学与遗传学精要与习题)

A Practical Guide to the Histology of the Mouse(小鼠组织学实用指南)

Analyzing Biomolecular Interactions by Mass Spectrometry(通过质谱分析生物分子的相互作用)

The HDL Handbook :Biological Functions and Clinical Implications(HDL手册:生物学功能和临床应用)

Nuclear Mechanics & Genome Regulation(核机制和基因组调控)

The Cytokines of the Immune System:The Role of Cytokines in Disease Related to Immune Response(免疫系统中的细胞因子:细胞因子在免疫反应疾病中的功能)

Neural Stem Cell Assays(神经干细胞实验)

Cell Physiology Sourcebook : Essentials of Membrane Biophysics(细胞生理学手册—膜生物物理学精要(下))

Essential Cell Biology 2 Volume Set:Cell Function(细胞生物学精要2:细胞功能)

Introduction to Cellular Signal Transduction(细胞信号转导简介)

Concepts of Genetics(遗传学的基本概念)

In Situ Hybridization:Laboratory Companion(原位杂交:实验手册)

MicroRNA Methods(MicroRNA研究方法)

Molecular Biology of RNA(RNA的分子生物学)

Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity(病毒治病与免疫)

Proteins: Biochemistry and Biotechnology(蛋白质—生物化学和生物技术)

Proteomics : Methods and Protocols(蛋白质组学—研究方法与实验方案)

Synthetic Biology : Prospects and Implications(合成生物学—前景和启示)

Evolution: A Developmental Approach(进化—发展的方法)

Bioinformatics:Sequence and Genome Analysis(生物信息学—序列与基因组分析)

Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologist's Guide(统计学的选择和使用—生物学家的指南)

Cell Proliferation :Processes,Regulation and Disorders(细胞增殖—过程,调控和紊乱)

Plant Cytogenetics:Genome Structure and Chromosome Function(植物细胞遗传学—基因组结构与染色体功能)

Bioanalytical chemistry(生物分析化学)

Biochemistry & Molecular biology(生物化学和分子生物学)

Bioenergetics 4(生物能学4)

Bioinformatics The impact of accurate quantification on proteomic and genetic analysis and research(生物信息学 精确定量对蛋白质组学和遗传学分析和研究的影响)

Biological identification DNA amplification and sequencing, optical sensing, lab-on-chip and portable systems(生物鉴定 DNA扩增和测序,光学感测,实验室级芯片和便携式系统)

Biology Organisms and adaptations(生物学 生物和适应)

Biomolecular feedback systems(生物分子反馈系统)

Cell membranes(细胞膜)

Chemistry for the bioscience(用于生物科学的化学)

DNA nanotechnology Methods and protocols(DNA纳米技术 方法与操作)

Essentials of biology(生物学精要)

Genomics and proteomics Principles, technologies, and applications(基因组学和蛋白质组学原理、技术及应用)

How enzymes work From structure to function(酶如何工作从结构到功能)

Introduction to bioinformatics(生物信息学入门)

Invasive species in a globalized world(全球范围内的入侵物种)

Mathematical genetics(数学遗传学)

Membrane structural biology(膜结构生物学)

Molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis(光合作用的分子机制)


Numerical methods in bioinformatics An introduction(生物信息学中的计算方法入门)/strong>

Plant reproductive biology and conservation(植物生殖生物学和保护)

Study guide to accompany life(生命科学学习指导)

The protein folding problem and its solutions(蛋白质折叠问题及解决方法)